Saturday, 8 August 2015

#99p magic

Happy Saturday to you! 

It's a lovely start to the day, the sun shining and there's the promise of it being a bit warmer than of late. I've no FOCUS Craft Fair today for selling my novels so I'll be gardening and spending time on the internet doing a bit of promotional ebook selling instead and that's fantastic because I see that all of my Crooked Cat novels are reduced to 99p on Amazon!

Look out for another poster coming soon from me because this one's a bit too fussy...


Update: Here's another one but the question is - What do you think of this one? Which is best?  

(I like using my own garden photos as a background, though it's probably not what's recommended for poster design by the experts.)



  1. I like them both... been thinking of doing some for our books, but don't know what size they should be?

    1. I'm no expert, but I think it depends on where you're likely to post them, Anita. The ones above are high resolution since blogger will take an image size similar to my phone camera ( around 2600x1920). Facebook also does what it needs to to convert that large size for my profile page etc. but some sites like 'Authorsden' need a tiny image size of around 360x 270 ish. If I'm emailing an image to a friend eg a cover design or poster as above I tend to reduce to around 1000 for the .jpg. I know only a few things that work for me, so can't answer really technical stuff.

  2. Not to worry, Nancy, I'll figure it out. Brilliant idea, though...


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