Wednesday 24 September 2014

Coughing up the WIPS.

Welcome to Wednesday everyone! 

Looking forward to the spring of 2015, and what that will entail.

The image on the left might not look very inspiring yet but come the spring I'll be expecting a lovely display of diverse daffodils along the wall and will be hoping for a cheery colouring of pansies. The pics of daffodils are from the packets to indicate what I'll be looking out for come March or April of 2015. 

It's been a slow start back to my writing but with three blog articles in the bag on general writing topics; one blog post that was written earlier in the month and revived; and some new WIP writing done over the last couple of days, I'm happier than I was last week.

I'm totally ignoring the head cold and nasty cough which has been developing slowly since last Thursday - it's really happening to someone pretty well all of the five other inhabitants of my household.

I've heaps of emails to reply to and catch-up with promotional tweets etc need done before more polishing up of the current writing but the afternoon looks set be spent outside since it's quite warm for the end of September and not raining! I'll just need to remember that my ear to ear blockage of catarrh means I'm a bit staggery.

Some preparation for my October blogs is also in the offing. Details of those historical gems soon.


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