Today's guest on Welcome Wednesday is an author I’ve made contact with through one of my Facebook groups – Maria Grazia Swan. That said, I don’t know much about Maria so I’ve been very nosey.

But, before I launch into asking her to share things with
us I’m delighted to tell you she’s offering a ***GIVEAWAY*** signed print copy of her book – Bosom Bodies–
to one lucky commenter.
She’s offering the **free copy** of Bosom Bodies worldwide so it really doesn’t
matter where you live, just make sure you leave an email contact address and
we’ll be in touch with you if you’re her lucky winner!
I’m delighted to welcome you here today, Maria, and very
pleased to share your answers.
Where are you originally from?
How lovely! It’s many years since I’ve been to Italy but I
have great memories of the fantastic cities I visited. That’s not where are you
currently staying, is it?
I live in Phoenix Arizona.
Assuming you are bilingual, have you written and published
work in more than one language – English and Italian for example?
As a child I had short stories in Italian and French, won my
first literary award at 14, in Belgium.
That’s a fantastic achievement. Is writing your only
occupation, or do you have other daily jobs?
I sell
Real estate.
I imagine you need to be out and about quite a bit for that.
Where, and when, do you do most of your fiction writing?
In the evening, in my office- I have a home office for
writing and Real Estate work.
Do you only write in one genre, or for one particular age
I write mystery/suspense with romantic elements.
I also have a lot of experience with non-fiction/ relationships mostly for
people over 45. Book and columns; or as they call them now, blogs.
When did you first decide to write fiction?
As a child. My school essays were always a big hit! I grew up
reading Agatha Christie, in Italian.
Wow! I
can’t imagine how such a quintessentially English sleuth translates to Italian.
Please share your latest release with us.
Bosom Bodies is my very
first Indie, second book in the Mina’s adventures series. It is a suspense with
romantic elements and has a cover a little out of the ordinary.
It is definitely a striking cover! Were there any triggers which led to the plotline for Bosom
Since this is book 2, well, it is a follow up
from book 1, and yes I get my inspirations from my aspirations…this one has more
How much research did you have to do?
The book location is Southern California, Orange County
(Disneyland?) I moved out of California in 1994 so I was FORCED to go
back to explore the beautiful beaches and such…very hard work. Seriously, the
only research I had to do was in regard to the Harley and the gun. Don’t want
to say too much.
What about settings? Do you include places you’ve been to…or
just invent?
I guess I just answered that question
above: all real places, so far. I was in Italy in October taking lots of
pics and talking to people. My next 2 books will be located in Italy and I may
have to make up the town or they won’t let me back.
What are you currently working on?
3 of Mina’s adventures - no title - takes place in Italy. I’m reissuing a non-fiction
book because I finally received a reversion of rights from Dorchester.
It’s titled: Mating Dance-Rituals for Singles who weren’t born yesterday. I also
have a Suspense with my agent, presently being shopped around.
Thank you, Maria. Great answers, and now to find out more about Bosom Bodies!
Italian-born Mina Calvi has a way of finding trouble, but
when she offers to help a friend by moonlighting at Bosom Bodies restaurant,
it’s trouble that finds her. The body of the restaurant manager is discovered
on the beach, a hit and run victim, and Mina’s VW Bug is impounded as the
vehicle used in the crime. Stunned beyond belief, Mina is suddenly up to her
ears in assault, betrayal, smuggling and murder. Now the police are watching
her. The mob is targeting her. And who comes riding to her rescue on a metal
steed—none other than the cook at Bosom Bodies, the mysterious Diego. Is he
more than a bad cook and a good lover? Is he protecting her, or setting her up?
Scared, clueless and on her own, Mina struggles to reclaim her life and stay
two steps ahead of those stalking her, but it’s a treacherous path and she’s
losing ground fast.
As a young girl, her vivid imagination predestined her to be a writer. She won her first literary award at the age of fourteen while living in Belgium. As a young woman Maria returned to Italy to design for—ooh-la-la—haute couture. Once in the U.S. and after years of concentrating on family, she tackled real estate. These days her time is devoted to her deepest passions: writing and helping people find happiness.
Maria loves travel, opera, good books, hiking, and intelligent movies (if she can find one, that is). When asked about her idea of a perfect evening, she favors stimulating conversation, spicy Italian food and perfectly chilled Prosecco—but then, who doesn’t?
Maria has written short stories for anthologies, articles for high profile magazines and numerous blogs tackling love and life. She engaged her editorial and non-fiction skills for Boomer Babes: Tales of Love and Lust in the Later Years.
Her romantic suspense novels
Love Thy Sister and
Bosom Bodies are available at
Contact Maria:
-or- touch base with her on Facebook
Thank you for visiting today, Maria, and my very best wishes for great sales of your 'Mina' series.
Don't forget to leave that comment to win the signed print copy of Bosom Bodies. (Just leave a way of contacting you, please.)
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