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A peculiar invitation to Heidelberg embroils Keira Drummond in the search for a mysterious collection of extraordinary jewels once owned by a Mughal Emperor; a hoard that was last known to be in the possession of Amsterdam resident, Geertje Hoogeveen, in 1910.
Who among the progeny of Geertje – hitherto unfamiliar third
cousins brought together for the quest – can Keira rely on? Distrust and
suspicion among them is rife.
Which one is greedy, and determined enough, to hire thugs to
tail her… and worse… as she travels to Vienna
and Minnesota? Can Keira even trust Teun Zeger - a
Californian she is becoming very drawn to – as they pair up to unearth the
As they follow a trail of clues, will they uncover the full
collection before the hired gun kills them? Details remain furtive and
undisclosed until danger and death forces their exposure. And who harbours the
ultimate mystery item that is even more precious than the Mughal jewels?
Greed, suspicion and murder are balanced by growing family
loyalty, trust, and love.

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Can the Celtic Tribes repel the Roman army? AD 71
from the nemeton, becoming a priestess is no longer the future for Nara, a princess of the
Selgovae tribe. Now charged with choosing a suitable mate before Beltane, her
plan is thwarted by Lorcan, an enemy Brigante prince, who captures her and
takes her to his hill fort. Despite their tribes fighting each other, Nara feels drawn to her
captor, but time runs out for her secret quest.
As armies
of the Roman Empire march relentlessly northwards, Lorcan intends to use Nara as a marriage
bargain, knowing all Celtic tribes must unite to be strong enough to repel
imminent Roman attack. Nara’s
father, Callan, agrees to a marriage alliance between Selgovae and Brigante,
but has impossible stipulations. Lorcan is torn between loyalty to his tribe
and growing love for Nara.
danger and death arrive in the form of the mighty Roman forces, will Nara be able to choose her
Beltane lover?
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