My winner will receive an ecopy of Monogamy Twist (see left sidebar for details, and bottom of blog for blurb and extract) and a bumper pack of Scottish Castle Greetings Cards and Matching Gift Tags (see sidebar photo)
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2. NAME my featured Scottish Castle each day.
There will be a photo of a castle on my blog sidebar
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3. and ...Say 'Hi!' in the comments box below. Just that one word will do.
3. and ...Say 'Hi!' in the comments box below. Just that one word will do.
****It could be you****
Blog Hop Day 1 Question:
This castle has a famous Faery Flag which remains at the castle in
a glass case for interested people to view. Dunvegan Castle has
been the stronghold of the Chiefs of MacLeod for around 850 years and it is
said to be the most continuously inhabited castle in northern Scotland. Since 1933 it has been
open to the public, the current Hugh MacLeod of MacLeod being the 30th
More of the story down below.
More of the story down below.
Thanks for 'hopping' with me on this Independence Day Blog Hop!
Rhia from Monogamy Twist knows a lot about history and has a good little betime story going for Luke.....
Read on for the rest of that story
Rhia from Monogamy Twist knows a lot about history and has a good little betime story going for Luke.....
Read on for the rest of that story
.....Dunvegan Castle has been the stronghold of the Chiefs of
Macleod for nearly 800 years and it is the most continuously inhabited castle
in Scotland. Since 1933 it has been open to the public, the
current Hugh MacLeod of MacLeod being the 30th Chief. If you are interested in the castle and its history there
are many sources you can go to. Today I only wish to share with you the story
of its famous Faery Flag which remains in Dunvegan Castle
in a glass case for interested people to view.
For past a thousand years Dunvegan
Castle on the Isle
of Skye has been the domain of the MacLeod of MacLeod. The waters
of Loch Dunvegan has seen many a MacLeod lead his men against their foe the
MacDonalds of Eigg, long called the Lords of the Isles who were a force unto themselves
and who lived by their own laws. One possession no MacLeod ever wanted to lose
to an enemy was their treasured ‘Faery Flag’.

The day was just as bright and fair as it had been when he’d
brought his new faery wife to his castle yet the waters of the Lock were dark
and murky, reflecting the dowly grief that had settled on him. On reaching the
far shore Malcolm took his beloved wife in his arms and carried her from the
boat. Setting her upon the ground he walked a little way along the path with
her till they reached the span of grey stones known as the Faery Bridge
where she had him stop and go no further. She never looked back and Malcolm
never ever saw his wife again.
That night in the castle Malcolm ordered a feast to
celebrate the birth of his son, for it was the tradition, though his heart was
heavy. The pibroch music filled the hall that thronged with merry people
dancing and feasting. Malcolm joined in as was expected though it was hard to
do so, but he was proud of his son and wanted to show it.
High up in a turret the babe who was being feted was fast asleep in his cradle being looked after by a young lass. Though proud if doing a good job with the child she was curious to know what was happening down in the hall, curious to see just the tiniest snatch of the feasting. Slipping down the turret stairs she watched from the back of the hall but when she’d seen enough her heart lurched madly for Malcolm himself saw her trying to sneak away. She feared his anger and was much afraid, a dread coming upon her. But Malcolm had no bad thoughts in his head for he assumed she had left the child with another servant. He called on her to bring down his son to the feasting, wanting to show him off to his guests. The young lass was glad to flee back up to the turret to fetch the child.
High up in a turret the babe who was being feted was fast asleep in his cradle being looked after by a young lass. Though proud if doing a good job with the child she was curious to know what was happening down in the hall, curious to see just the tiniest snatch of the feasting. Slipping down the turret stairs she watched from the back of the hall but when she’d seen enough her heart lurched madly for Malcolm himself saw her trying to sneak away. She feared his anger and was much afraid, a dread coming upon her. But Malcolm had no bad thoughts in his head for he assumed she had left the child with another servant. He called on her to bring down his son to the feasting, wanting to show him off to his guests. The young lass was glad to flee back up to the turret to fetch the child.
when the lass had sneaked down to see the feasting, the baby has stayed
sleeping for a while but when an owl had screeched its way past the window it
had wakened up in fright and had started to cry. When no one came to calm him
the babe cried all the harder. No mortal heard his cries way up in the turret
but the sound of his crying reached his faery mother. By eldritch means she
flew to his side but was unable to take her mortal son in her arms again.
Instead to comfort him she spread a faery covering of grass-green silk
embroidered with elf spots over him. The babe settled under the cover and
stopped crying.
When the
young lass who was his nurse reached the turret she was overjoyed to find the
babe fast asleep, yet was much afeared when she saw the cover, for she knew the
faery folk had visited. Thankful the bairn had not been harmed she vowed never
to leave him alone again. Lifting the child, still wrapped in the cover, she
bore him down to the great hall. As she approached the hall the lilt of
enchanted faery music followed her. It was so loud it drowned out the sound of
the pibroch in the hall and made everyone stop in astonishment. As the whole
hall listened the faeries sang a song about the faery cover telling Malcolm,
and the gathered MacLeods, that the cover was indeed a Faery Flag and it was a
gift from the Faery Folk to the Clan MacLeod. The flag was to remain for ever
in the hands of the Clan MacLeod. They foretold that the flag was to be waved
on three occasions to save the Clan from great harm but it was never ever to be
waved for trivial reasons.
As the
people in the hall listened the Faery song grew sombre. They prophesied that a
curse would fall upon the Clan MacLeod if ever the flag was waved in a time
that was not dire necessity, and that three dreadful things would happen. The
current heir to the Clan Chief would die; the group of rocks at Dunvegan called
the Three Maidens would fall into the hands of the Clan Campbell; and a red fox
would bear her young in one of the castle turrets whereupon the glory of the
Clan MacLeods would be gone, their bulk of their lands and people lost to
Malcolm and
his guests listened in awe as the Faery folk departed as swiftly as they had
arrived. Malcolm carefully lifted the flag from his son and instructed that it
be placed in a casket of iron that would be borne at the head of the clansmen
if they went into battle.
passed by, the Faery Flag safe, until came the time when the MacDonalds came to
battle against the MacLeods, close by Dunvegan at a place called Trumpan. Though
they wielded their claymores and dirks fiercely the MacLeods were falling hard
and fast. The Chief of the MacLeods called for the iron casket, lifted out the
fragile flag and waved it aloft. A great change came over the MacDonalds for
they withdrew from the battle thinking the MacLeods had gained in strength. The
first waving of the Faery Flag had indeed saved the Clan MacLeod.
The second
use of the Faery Flag was quite different but yet again proved to be the saving
of the clan. A great plague had descended on the cattle of the MacLeods and the
people were in dire need for they depended so upon the beasts for their
livelihood and welfare. The clan chief pulled forth the flag and called upon
the Faery folk to aid his people claiming it was being waved for no trivial
reason. No more cattle fell to the disease and indeed many recovered, the
people of the clan saved yet again.
More years
passed till the year 1799 when the Chief of the MacLeods employed a factor
called Buchanan. Buchanan knew of the legend of the Faery Flag but was
sceptical of its powers. Determined that it was just an old wives’ tale, one
day when the Chief of the MacLeods was away from Dunvegan, he paid an English
blacksmith to force open the casket. Scorning the legend and the curse he waved
the frail piece of silk in the air.
The events
that followed seemed inevitable to all those people who believed in the powers
of the Faery Flag. The current heir to the Clan Chief was blown up in the HMS. Charlotte and the land
called the Three Maidens was sold to Angus Campbell of Esnay. And later, a man
called Lieutenant MacLean who was staying in the castle, had a tame red fox who
bore her cubs in the west turret. From that point the fortunes of the MacLeods
began to dwindle and much of their estates were sold and their possessions lost
to them. As years passed there were indeed only three MacLeods left in the
Chief’s own family, not enough to row a four-oared boat across Loch Dunvegan-just as the Faeries had foretold.
Looking good, Nancy. Already have MT liked and tagged.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mac!
DeleteFab idea, Nancy.
ReplyDeleteNever made it to Dunvegan Castle, though I've explored most in Aberdeenshire, East Lothian & some in the Highlands. I did say I love Scottish castles, didn't I? ;-)
Good luck with your blog hop!
Thanks, Cathie!I love them too, and you'll like my cards!
DeleteHi! Loved the story about the Faery Flag. You are liked and tagged.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked it.
DeleteWow, I LOVE this legend, Nancy!