Friday, 26 February 2016

More thoughts on books read recently...

I have 2 more updates today, on books recently read- both in the romance genres. 

The first one is Only a Hero Will Do by Susan Lodge - a regency romance.

This is a delightful story set in the early 1800s. The scrapes that Hettie gets herself into are highly entertaining, yet she manages to remain an innocent. The different themes in the novel all play out very nicely as Robert Withington becomes the best ever protector. Regency romances tend to have their villains and this book doesn’t disappoint. It’s as easy to take an instant dislike of Hettie’s brother as it is to like Robert Withington. Getting herself out of a detestable betrothal isn’t so easy but Hettie’s ways and means are inventive. If you want a quick easy read set in Regency times, I recommend this amusing novel.


Lawful Escort by Tina Folsom 
 3 stars

The second is one which has been on my kindle for a very long time, one which I thought I'd read but realised I hadn't till a couple of nights ago. I don't remember how this was recommended to me but it was the kind of book I could easily skim read in a short time.

I’ve read a number of romances with a similar theme though the mistaken identity part of it plays out quite well since Daniel Sinclair doesn’t care what Sabrina Palmer does, so long as she becomes his girlfriend. It’s a quick read at 150, or so pages, and the plot is very simple. The bad guy gets his just desserts and the good guy…well, he gets the girl!  


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