Hello. Today I'm welcoming Karlene Blakemore-Mowle who lives in a country I've yet to visit-Australia. The intention has been there, and I almost made it last year, but who knows...maybe next? Karlene's brought along some wonderful cover pics to add some colour to the blog today, the colours so vibrant and eye-catching. So let's have a little drool...
makes a hero drool-worthy?
Here's what Karlene thinks...
It’s always amazed me that there are some things
that translate into any language, custom or country; chocolate, a friendly
smile and a drool-worthy hero are the first few that come to mind!

I’m an Australian, and I’ve written for three
U.S publishers as well as an Australian one. I write romantic suspense, fantasy
and rural romances and I have a cross of American and Australian characters in
my books. Now you’d think with that kind of mix things it would be hard to
separate your genres and writing style…well sometimes it can be, but basically
what I’ve come to realise is that a hero, is a hero, no matter where you come

I think a drool-worthy hero has to be so much
more than just hunky, (It doesn’t hurt!) but it’s more than that. He has to be
loyal. He has to be protective, have a sense of humour and a soft spot. And let
me tell you, being this awesome is not for the fainthearted! These guys have
had to work hard to perfect all this drool-worthy-ness! But hey, someone has to
do it, right?

You can find out more about my characters here http://www.amazon.com/Karlene-Blakemore-Mowle/e/B0043H6BJA
Thank you so much for having me here today, look
me up on facebook, would love to see you there. http://www.facebook.com/karlybm
Karlene lives on the beautiful Mid North Coast
of NSW in Australia.
A certified small town girl, she is most happy in a little town where everyone
knows who your grandparents were.
Writing romantic suspense under Karlene Blakemore-Mowle and Australian rural fiction under Karly Lane.
She is a proud member of the RWA Australia and can be contacted via her webpage at http://karlylane.com
Writing romantic suspense under Karlene Blakemore-Mowle and Australian rural fiction under Karly Lane.
She is a proud member of the RWA Australia and can be contacted via her webpage at http://karlylane.com
Thank you very much for visiting today, Karlene. I've just loved looking at the different styles of cover art. Best wishes with sales of all your books.
Hope you're having a good day, Karlene. The sun is shining here in my part of Scotland and it is unusually warm for September...but since we've had no summer it is fantastic!