Hello everyone,
During this extremely harrowing time for many, and a surely sad and difficult time for pretty well everybody else, regarding the pandemic Coronavirus (COVID 19) situation, it's great when the internet can give us something different to focus on.
I've, personally, been doing a lot of research reading about my favourite subject - Roman Britain - but that isn't exclusive because when another historical time period catches my eye, I'm spending time on that, too.
There's a super new post, continuing the Ocelot Press authors series, where you can catch up with important events in the Ricardian calendar. There are very many fans of Richard III, King of England, who had a special celebration for the reburial of his remains which had been uncovered from a very unusual ( and not in any way appropriate) setting some years ago.
Ocelot Press author Jennifer Wilson tells you all about it HERE
And I can definitely recommend reading The Last Plantagenet because it's a very entertaining 'What if this happened?' time slip novel.
SlĂ inte!
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