Friday, 13 March 2020

The Ocelot Press Blog new series continues!

Hello everyone!

If you need something to take your mind off Coronavirus then read on...

The new series over on the Ocelot Press Blog continues with my fellow Ocelot, Sue Barnard,  adding today's post.

If - like Sue, and me, and probably millions of others - you studied Shakespeare at secondary school, for an exam like I did for my O Grade English, then this post will resonate. And if you've come to studying Shakespeare from another route, this post should also still interest you.

The play Sue focuses on is 'Julius Caesar' but as with all of Sue's novels, there's a very fresh take on her writing when she sets the scene behind the curtains of an amateur dramatics group.

I highly recommend reading both Sue's entertaining post today, and the novel - The Unkindest Cut.

Just click here to read on the Ocelot Press blog and to get buy details.
(p.s. The ebook is only £1.99 and a great bargain!)


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