Thursday, 1 March 2018

Moving on and into more #self publishing!

March 1st 2018 ...Diary

This is a very sad day but also a very exciting one. As of yesterday, my Celtic Fervour Series of historical novels are no longer published by Crooked Cat Books and they have disappeared from Amazon network and all of the other places they were sold at.

This means a new chapter is opening for them and it's my intention to have them all back on Amazon in republished versions as soon as possible.

I can't share yet but there are FANTASTIC new covers coming for them that you're sure to adore. Look out for more news soon. The new editions are being created as aI write so ...till later here's a last look at what my Crooked Cat Versions looked like.

p.s. Paperback copies still on Amazon are going for a song, like 1p sterling! 


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