Thursday, 1 March 2018

#Fantasy or #historical #character building

Hello! It's a lovely snowy day here...

but I'm off again this week (virtually to snowy France) to visit my lovely author friend Vanessa Couchman who is always generously helpful with her time and expertise, giving me excellent tips for self publishing and the like.

Today my topic is about writing in actual historical characters into my writing, even when little is, in fact, known about them.

Pop over to Vanessa's and read the full post by clicking HERE.

To whet your appetite the post is about creating my General Agricola  in book 4 (to come) of my Celtic Fervour series and it goes like this.... (partial reblog here - copyright Nancy Jardine)
Agricola- Bath www.123rf/com

"Into the mind of…Agricola

Creating a completely fictional character is wonderful. He/she doesn’t come with pre-formed associations on the part of the reader because there are no known identifying characteristics. It’s then up to the author to imbue the character with whatever traits will fit the plot, their role in the story, and make them believable for the reader.

My Celtic Fervour Series is set in late first century A.D. in northern Roman Britain. Book 4 (to be published) begins after a great confrontation between the Caledonian allies against the armies of General Agricola, Commander of the Roman legions in Britannia. Agricola, one of my main characters in Book 4, is a historically recognisable individual to those who know a bit of Ancient Roman history but he’s not really that famous. My other characters are entirely fictional..." 

Read the rest of the post at Vanessa's HERE


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