Saturday, 10 September 2016

Walking on Wild Air by Yvonne Marjot

Happy Saturday to you!

I believe I've got the dreaded 'jet lag'. Sleep was elusive last night but it gave me the opportunity to finish a really lovely book that I started while on my recent holiday. Here's what I thought of Walking on Wild Air by Crooked Cat author - Yvonne Marjot.  

This was a beautiful tale of the timelessness of the land and of how it is endlessly tied to both earthy and unearthly beings. Sushila, a tortured soul, meets the strange man Dougie on the hill above her late father’s cottage. It didn’t take long for me to realise that Dougie was no ordinary man but exactly what he was remained still up for grabs to the very end of the book. The love tale that unfolds between them is punctuated by intrusive haunting memories of people who lived on and loved the island hill in days gone past- people who were of Dougie and yet characters who also existed in their own right. The author merges the corporeal with the ethereal in a very intriguing way as their relationship develops- the essence of the hill a powerful force. Questions popped up as I read on, esoteric questions related to the eternal binding of intertwined souls at a specific place on the earth.
The writing is beautiful, skilful and the settings wonderful. The characters of Sushila and Dougie are well developed, yet as I read, aspects of them remained elusive, leaving sufficient to my imagination to fill in the blanks

I gave this 5 * on Amazon and Goodreads.

SlĂ inthe!

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