Wednesday, 13 February 2019

#interviewed #Mearns Radio Wendy's Book Buzz

Wednesday Wonders,

Today wasn't a normal Wednesday - well, in truth for me there are probably no predictable Wednesdays. Instead of tapping away at my keyboard, or continuing with my Beta Reading tasks, I spent some time being interviewed on Mearns Radio, a local internet radio station that broadcasts to a huge chunk of southern Aberdeenshire.

Technical hitches apart -  when I lost telephone contact with the radio presenter, the Dundee Crime writer Wendy Jones - it was a fine experience. I've only done one other 'phone' radio interview in the past so I'm not exactly a seasoned warrior! dialling a number when under time pressure to re-establish contact is quite an art when the pointing finger is shaking!

The whole hour can hopefully be revisited HERE . Select Wendy's book Buzz 13th Feb 2019 and click the link! The technical glitches meant some music playing before the questions were asked and explanations or answers given but - no worries- just enjoy!


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