Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Recent Reads in April and May #2

Tuesday Tale

I'm continuing my intention to post short reviews of books I've read recently. Today's one was by fellow Crooked Cat Books author, Ailsa Abraham. I've enjoyed reading Ailsa's writing already and like myself she writes in different genres. The book I'm featuring today is one that she came to feature a few months ago, when it was launched.  Attention to Death is a contemporary crime novel, not one of her fantasies.

In thought this to be a 5* read!

Attention to Death by Ailsa Abraham

After hours…and keeping secrets.

This was an excellent read from start to finish covering tricky themes of murder within a tight knit group of British Army soldiers, and a still frowned upon sexual relationship between the two very likeable main male characters. There are other strands tackled as well as homophobia- there's racial and religious prejudice to contend with, too.

The pace is fast, the writing is crisp and the whole read compelling. The two specialist Military Police Officers have a particularly violent murder to solve while attempting to ignore an inevitable attraction. Love isn’t always easy but it’s heartening that Angus and Raff find a way.

There are gruesomely explicit details to work through; murder in most forms being violent, but the author has skilfully interwoven those horrors, balancing them with the tenderness of a new relationship.

Some aspects of the gay relationship in the novel may not be to everyone's taste but the novel isn't explicit, just sufficient to engage the reader as the both the romantic relationship and the details of the murder unfold.


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