Wednesday Welcomes to you!
Yesterday, I mentioned that I was trying a new ebook marketing site called BargainBooksy to promote The Taexali Game, and that I'd give a little update today.
Here it is so far, though I don't yet have an amount of copies sold.
The best rating rise, when I checked, appeared to be around 24 hours ago- i.e. about 8 p. m. GMT when ratings were at #47 for the Time Travel Charts, #32 Ancient Rome, and #56, 775 in the Kindle Store (paid) section. That means that I sold SOME books, as in a few, but not an earth shattering amount. Now at around 7 p.m. on the 2nd Nov. the ratings are ##129 for Time Travel, #87 Ancient Rome and #116, 431 Kindle Store (paid)
Has the rise been sufficient to offset the cost of the advertising? I'll know when the rises in the ranks translate into a number of sales but if it has given my time travel novel more visibility to the readers who check into their emails from BargainBooksy then that will be a positive aspect.
My guess is that it will probably not quite equal out--based on everything I've read about bargainbooksy, but you never know. It could surprise us all!