Sunday, 21 July 2013

Buzzing around!

It's official - I HATE WASPS!

I'm sitting in the garden, in the unaccustomed sunshine that we've been having lately in north-east Scotland, and my daughter says , "Mum What's that?" I follow her pointed finger but before I can say anything she gasps, "That is a humungous wasp's nest!"

"How could I NOT have noticed that!" I wrote on my Facebook page. I was stunned that I've been so preoccupied with having a lot of nice flowers this year in the garden that I had missed that huge blob under the eaves and RIGHT next to my bedroom.

Though you can't see it in this photo left, there are 2 small window panes and 1 large one. The framing for the small ones obscured the nest from the inside when I opened my curtains, otherwise I would have been aware of it much earlier- although I have to be honest and say that a couple of weeks ago, whilst in the garden, I noticed a shadow and thought I'd have to investigate some time. I regret that I never did and totally forgot to check to see what it was. The nest back then was much smaller !

I've had wasps nests/bikes around the garden before but they have been in places where I could use the puffer spray killer stuff and run away. That wasn't going to work for this one up so high. A phone call later by my husband and the problem was solved.

Meet my new best friend - Peter Stewart of 'Aberkil'.

He got the gear on, got his equipment ready- the extension pole set to the correct height - and off he 'puffed'.

Was I glad? Absolutely.

Now from this photo you can see why I didn't want to tackle it from a ladder, or from the top of that little roof of the lounge window. My husband wasn't too keen on hanging out of the upper window to do it either-since he's also dealt with a nest or two over the years.

Peter and I had a lovely conversation during the time he gave the 'Ficam D' time to work. A few applications later, some minutes in between, and the wasps really were buzzing around that nest. Whereas before I'd only seen one individual wasp fly up and enter the nest, a whole group were  buzzing around in a frenzy- not able to access the opening and very confused.

This is the point where I say that I try not to kill any animal. I have loads of bees which love my lavender hedge when in bloom, and other flowers attract them as well, but I can manage to ignore the bees since they don't 'bother' me. I try to let flies and moths etc out of the window when I find them in the house, rather than kill them. BUT I do not like wasps. I've been stung a couple of times and haven't found it pleasant. I try to ignore them, too, but when they buzz around my food while eating out, or they follow me around -  that's when they DO bother me.

I know getting rid of this one nest will not solve the issue of wasps inthe garden but I will now be able to open my bedroom window again. The amazing thing is that for a few days before my daughter noticed the nest, I had been opening that window!

I feel much happier that my granddaughter can now play in the garden this coming week without the threat of a nest of wasps being so nearby.

I thoroughly recommend 'Aberkil' if you live in the Aberdeen, Scotland, area. Give Peter a call 24 hours a day and he'll solve your problem. Whatever it costs you, (was quite pricey) - though if you're like me, you'll think it worth it.

Removal of WASPS: 

An assessment of the risk will be done depending on location- height, availability etc. The treatment will be applied. At his time the wasps will be attempting to protect the Queen wasp and there will be high activity around the nest. After the first hour the activity around the nest should decrease but some wasps may continue to enter the nest and will continue the spread of the treatment. After 2 hours the acivity should be minimal. by then the Queen wasp should be destroyed and all, or most, within the nest dead by that time. After 24 hours the activity should have stopped. the odd wasp which did not return to the nest on day of treatment may return and enter. These should also be destroyed after entry.  After 48 hours the nest is dead and should cause no further problem. Removal of the nest should be done cautiously and the debris bagged up very carefully before being put in the rubbish bin.

There are a lot of good sites to tell you about wasps on the internet. The biology of them MAY be fascinating to you...but I have to say It's not really something I want to dwell on.

Enjoy your day!

ps. Just popped out to look. After 15 hours I don't see any activity, but it's too soon to remove the nest.....Though I really want to!

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