Tuesday 24 May 2016

It's all about news!

Tuesday Morning Greetings! 

Do you write letters anymore? 

I do...but I have to confess that I rarely do on paper, these days. My communication with friends, or fans, tends to be by email or on Facebook by direct messaging or via general posts. These are not often about my writing news and that's where a big problem lies...

I need to improve my communication skills big time!

You know that wonderful 'sort of epithet' that says something to the nature of 'Shove it under the carpet and forget about it'?  I confess to doing that a while ago about starting up a newsletter for any interested readers of my work. My problem was that I set up one which was completely separate from my blog, and then I failed to collect email addresses of followers properly, and then compounded the problem by not updating with another newsletter.

As an attempt to improve on the situation, I've (hopefully) liked a newsletter facility to my Website ( Weebly) and would love it if the readers of this blog would give me some feedback on it by joining me there.

I'll be forever grateful since I've got a lot to learn...

I know what the rest of my Tuesday might include ( fine tweaking???) but I wish you all a very good day!

Oh, a bit of brilliant news to mention here would be that my Crooked Cat version of  Take Me Now is available as a paperback across Amazon for those readers who still love to feel a book in their hands.


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