Monday 10 June 2024

Novice Threads is making its presence felt!

Its a Hello Monday!

I've been busy promoting Novice Threads in lots of places across the Social Media network.

It has climbed the charts a little bit on Amazon (dot) com (US) regardless of the fact that I haven't specifically targeted the region. The recently released novel (not quite 4 weeks ago) has now garnered 7 ratings on the Amazon (dot) com site [a small number to be sure compared to some new releases but realistic for me] x5 of them are 5* and 2 are of 4* s. I'm absolutely delighted with that and love that readers are enjoying my characters and their settings. 

One of the social media sites I did try paid promotion with was BookBub where I got an International one-day deal. That meant the novel would be emailed out to BookBub readers in the UK, Australia and Canada regions on the 6th June. I'm on tenterhooks now because Novice Threads has zoomed to #9 in the British and Irish Historical Literature chart, and #11 in the Family Saga Fiction chart in the Amazon Australia charts. I must now remember to check not only how it is faring on UK and US charts, but also Australia and Canada. 

Novice Threads also has 3x5* and 2x4* on Goodreads, 2x5* on BookBub, 3x5* and 3x4* on BookBub and a few 5* reviews on private blogs! 

Reviews are so very welcome and I feel honoured when a reader posts one, whatever site they post on. 

Updates on how the novel is being received will follow in due course. Meanwhile I'm looking forward to Wednesday 12th June when Novice Threads will be featuring on a different range of blogs during the Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour. There will be different excepts, unique author interviews and guest posts specifically written for my host venues! Look out for the details and feel free to pop in and comment. 

Now, with all of my garden commitments and doing promotion on social media for Novice Threads, when am I finding time to get on with Book 2 of the Silver Sampler Series? Tomorrow is another day. 

Enjoy your reading. 

SlĂ inte!

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