Wednesday 12 June 2024

Novice Threads Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour stops today!

Good Morning again! 

My Coffee Pot Book Club Blog Tour continues today, the second of my every Wednesday in June features. Here's the promised list of blogs I'm expecting to be visiting today, doing different things to promote Novice Threads, Book 1 of my Silver Sampler Series.

(N.B. Some of the features may not appear till later in the day, depending on the global location and schedules of my lovely hosts) 

  • You'll find an INTERVIEW at The WritingDesk  where Tony Ritches has asked me some very interesting questions. 


And on the following blogs you might find a different EXCERPT from the novel on each blog.  Lots of snippets for you to get to know my character Margaret. 


I'm off to do a bit more writing now on Book 2 of the series. 

Enjoy visiting my hosts today and please leave a comment to let them know you've popped in.  

SlĂ inte! 

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