Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Day 3 of The Beltane Choice Book Tour!

Friday Felicitations! 

It might be Friday 13th, some might say an unlucky one, but it's been a great day for me as The Beltane Choice is visiting yet 3 more blogs today. It's an exhilarating feeling keeping up with the latest reviews comments and features, while also readying The Taexlai Game for re-publishing (The paperback version is almost ready!)

I love that the review comments are reflecting what different readers enjoy or like less in a book -  and especially in one that's hard to quantify for marketing purposes.

Today's bloggers are:

Dashfan Book reviews which has a general book feature, an excerpt from The Beltane Choice, and the opportunity to add your name again to the Rafflecopter for a SIGNED copy of The Beltane Choice  (UK only) and an ebook (worldwide).

ReviewsFeed where you'll find a completely different perspective after a read of The Beltane Choice. It's absolutely true that some readers of historical fiction are not readers of romance so don't like those aspects so much in the novel. I'm very pleased to say that I'm looking forward to Rebecca of ReviewsFeed's comments after she reads Book 2 later this year. Hopefully she'll appreciate the greater historical context, the fact that it's not as romancy as Book 1 and will have an answer to these comments:

"I can’t wait to see where events take us in the later books; how will the Selgovae and Garrigill tribes meet the Roman threat?" Rebecca of ReviewsFeed

Over the Rainbow blog is the third on the schedule today.


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