Tuesday 2 October 2018


Tuesday thoughts...on Amazon pricing

I transferred the printing of a number of my paperback versions from Createspace over to Kindle Direct Publishing on Sunday past, as requested. The process seemed to go easily, and I thought I had successfully managed to ensure that the ebook version and the paperback version of each title appeared on the appropriate page as one item.

Just by chance, I looked at Amazon again today to find it's a bit of a BARGAIN day, Instead of my new Ocelot Press paperback versions showing, it seems they must have 'found' some of the previous edition paperback copies and are flogging them off at very cheap prices even though the previous Crooked Cat Books stock seemed to have been sold weeks, if not months, ago.

So its... Bargain prices today!

A Paperback version of Book 3 is  @£1.52

and weirdly the ebook version is also @£1.52

There just might be an old copy of The Beltane Choice going for even less than a £!

Try this and see... https://www.amazon.co.uk/After-Whorl-Donning-Double-Cloaks/dp/1909841579/

And here's a latest version of my Twitter add for the series. Especially good if you're on KindleUnlimited since you can read it for #FREE.


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