Thursday 9 May 2024

Just 6 days to go!


It's getting very exciting now since there are only six more days to go before the eBook launch of Novice Threads. 

It's been a busy time during recent weeks. My cover designer - Laurence Patterson - and I have been getting the paperback versions ready. To date, I can only update that the paperback is now available to buy on Amazon but not quite yet with other distributers. As soon as that happens, I'll be updating!

However, this blog post is more about what I've been spending my limited promotional budget on, pre-launch, and about the different things I've been trying this time around.

NetGalley For the first time ever,  I've put Novice Threads up on Netgalley for early reviewing but as yet I have no information to tell me if there has been any uptake of the novel, even though I've included it as a possibility on all of my Social Media promo outlets. Time will tell on that one since the duration of availability runs out on the 16th May. 

Coffee Pot Book Club Tour I'm very excited about going on tour with the Coffee Pot Book Club! More details will follow on the tour which is scheduled for June.

Mary Anne Yarde I've booked some promo slots with Mary Anne Yarde for exposure on Twitter / Instagram.

Reviews I've requested book reviews from Mary Anne Yarde'; The Historical Fiction Company; The Coffee Pot Book Club (paid). The Historical Novel Society is free and very prestigious if a good/decent review results from it. 

Organising book reviews is quite terrifying because Novice Threads is not like my previous writing. Having Book 1 (Novice Threads) chart the life of my character from the age of 5 through to 16 has meant writing about things which are formative for her future character building. Margaret's adult life  will be full of desperate circumstances, love, loss and betrayal, even adventure - yet that is still to come in books 2 & 3. Hopefully my reviewers for Book 1 will appreciate the premise of the first novel of the series and will enjoy being introduced to Margaret.

Distribution catalogue Something I've never done before is add my new paperback to the Ingram Spark distribution catalogue. It's expensive, as are all promotional packages, but getting the novel seen by libraries, booksellers etc  is something I'm considering as a longer term promotional opportunity. 

Booking a 1-day-slot on a site like BargainBooksy, or E Reader News Today, hasn't worked well recently for my Roman Britain Celtic Fervour Series but I'm not completely discounting using something like that in the future for Novice Threads.

6 days to launch day! I'm
counting down! 

SlĂ inte!

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