Wednesday, 26 March 2025

#WomensHistoryMonth - Part Two, Ishbel Lady Aberdeen

Hello again,

It's time for a little more about the remarkable Victorian campaigner, Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen.

Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen
Wikimedia commons CC

Ishbel lived in many houses during her eight decades and left her influence in many of them in different ways. Some of the abodes technically belonged to her husband ‘Johnny Aberdeen’ though a few of the official residences lived in by virtue of Johnny’s high-ranking appointments, were owned by the state, or in her early years by her father, the businessman who eventually became Lord Tweedmouth.

Growing up, Ishbel lived much of her time in the fashionable residence at 29 Upper Brook Street (on the corner of Park Lane, Mayfair, London) and didn’t want for anything materially speaking, though she wrote of loneliness during her childhood as she forged her way through a daily, rigorous regime set by her mother and governess(es). Her parents produced seven children though not all survived childhood, Ishbel being the fifth born, followed by two more brothers some three and four years younger.

Although she regarded her early life in London as being very strict, there was a huge compensation. Three years before her birth, Dudley Marjoribanks, by then a Member of the United Kingdom Parliament, had bought a house - Guisachan (the place of the firs) – in Glen Affric in Inverness-shire. Even though it took twenty-three hours travel to get there, Ishbel loved it. The journey could have been longer but Dudley knew sufficient people in the Railway Industry to have a private branch line built relatively close to his Guisachan Estate, though not too close to spoil his views! At Guisachan, Ishbel could ride, wander the hills and glens to her hearts content – though not entirely without supervision. She had a pet grouse (?) and a dog called Fairy.

Dudley Marjoribanks gradually transformed what had been a relatively modest 18th Century country house into a ‘French-Chateau’ style mansion, filled with his growing collections of artworks. So, from an early life, Ishbel was surrounded with the tangible results of what one could do with money at your fingertips. She grew up seeing improvements made to rooms and whole buildings which gave her a great insight into what she effected herself in adulthood.

Though she had earmarked him at the age of twelve, by the time Ishbel was eighteen, her diaries indicate that she was desperately keen to be noticed by Johnny who was an occasional visitor to Upper Brook Street. One diary entry for January 20th 1875 states “Lord Aberdeen came to tea about six. He was so nice, so warm. Oh, Can it be! It seems too bright.” By February 28th her diary states “Lord A walked home with me!” The walking home was from church after a Sunday service at Quebec Chapel.

During her teens, the intelligent and driven Ishbel wasn’t only playing the lovesick maiden. Tutored well in many subjects, she was a high-achieving student. Though it was suggested she was capable of attending college (women didn’t easily gain entry to University courses at this time) her father would have none of it. However, Dudley’s guests were varied and Ishbel had the opportunities to meet people (mainly men) who were politically energetic in mainly Liberal activities, many of them influencing her development into political circles. Ishbel embroiled herself in various good causes, giving much of her time and effort into using those important contacts who could provide money and encouragement to improve the lives of women, at that time especially in London.

Lord Aberdeen
CC Wikimedia Commons

By early 1877, after what seemed to be a period of doubt on Johnny’s part - weeks when he withdrew from her company, absenting himself to the countryside, causing her no end of heartache - she was over the moon to enter into a short engagement with him, their marriage taking place in November 1877.

Lessons were learned all the time by Ishbel, some of them quite heart wrenching. After the wedding on the 7th November, the couple went to honeymoon at Halstead Place, another of Dudley Marjoribanks houses, taking all of their substantial wedding presents with them. On the 19th November there was a robbery and Ishbel’s jewellery and easily portable wedding goods were stolen, the thieves leaving via an open window. The culprits were never caught, nor was any jewellery ever recovered. Ishbel, though, wrote that she was “far too much engrossed in our new-found happiness to be much perturbed by even such a misadventure as our burglary.”

The couple went on an extended honeymoon travelling abroad to Europe, Egypt and on to India. Again, never one to miss good opportunities, Ishbel managed to find a few outlets for her campaigning nature. In Egypt, she and Johnny ‘adopted’ a few young boys who were regarded as slaves, and found suitable homes for them, paying their ‘new’ Egyptian parents to house and educate them. They gifted many copies of the bible which they had dragged around with them in their copious luggage and set up impromptu medical clinics where they addressed minor injuries.

Haddo House
Wikimedia Commons

It wasn’t till 1878, after their return from their long honeymoon, that Ishbel had her first sight of Johnny’s ancestral home in Scotland - Haddo House, roughly twenty miles north of the city of Aberdeen. She wasn’t much impressed by Haddo calling it a horrible house. However, in her energetic and thoroughly focused way, over time Ishbel changed the house dramatically to make it much more presentable in her eyes.

There will be more about Ishbel and Haddo House coming soon.


‘Fortune’s Many Houses by Simon Welfare (Atria Books) is an excellent source for her whereabouts at every stage of her life.

Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Amelia Robertson Hill is featured for #WomensHistoryMonth


I'm just back home from an excellent Scottish Association of Writers Conference at the #glasgowwesterwood hotel, Cumbernauld, Scotland, where the speakers were all entertaining, educational and lovely people. I give a special mention to broadcaster, author, public speaker, political columnist,  Lesley Riddoch who is an amazing advocate for Scotland and pretty well anything Scottish which is right up my street.

And today...

Amelia Hill

I'm returning to my lovely friend Anna Belfrage's Blog to highlight Amelia Robertson Hill, a Scottish Sculptress of the 19th Century, another contribution to Anna's blog series for Women's History Month. You can find that post HERE 


Thursday, 20 March 2025

Women's History Month Ishbel Lady Aberdeen Part One

March is #WomensHistoryMonth

...and although much of it is already gone, I will be posting about some notable Scottish women who either gained the reputation they deserved, or who should be much better known.

Today, I'm posting the first of a short series about Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen (1857-1939) 

Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen (CC)

Haddo House in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, was the ancestral seat of the Earls of Aberdeen till the National Trust for Scotland took over the property in 1979. My connection to #WomensHistoryMonth goes back to the late 1870s when the then current owner John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon married Ishbel Maria Marjoribanks, the daughter of Lord Tweedmouth (m. 1877). Ishbel had set her cap at Johnny Aberdeen when she was only twelve and he ten years older than her, but patience was worth it when he eventually proposed to her in early 1877. To be fair, Johnny went through some trials during those intervening years while Ishbel waited in the wings. 

Johnny Aberdeen
National Portrait Gallery- CC

Born the third son, Johnny wasn't expecting to inherit the title or the estates. The first-born son James Henry inherited on their father's death in 1864 but committed suicide a few years later. George, the second son, appeared to decide that becoming a Scottish laird of an immense land portfolio wasn't for him and he went off to become a sailor. News of George's death at sea came to Johnny by 1870. Johnny eventually, officially, succeeded to the title, the estates, and what I believe was a very healthy bank balance. 

Lady Ishbel was no slouch. Even before her marriage to her beloved, if somewhat imprudent Johnny, Ishbel was a determined young woman of deep religious faith who was determined to improve the lives of women who weren’t as prosperous as she was. As the daughter of Dudley Marjoribanks, Lord Tweedmouth, she had never wanted for anything in material terms. Her Scottish businessman father was extremely rich. He was a son of the Coutts Banking family but he excelled at continuing to make money beyond his Coutts inheritance. He profited highly from his purchase of Meux Brewery and with his interests in the East India Company. Dudley was a Liberal politician who sat in the House of Commons, so from an early age Ishbel grew up in a household with a high-achieving, driven father who held some liberal views regarding social norms. This meant that as a teenager Ishbel was often in exalted company e.g. William Ewart Gladstone, a Liberal Prime Minister and a dominant philanthropist and campaigner for many different injustices.

Before her short engagement at the age of 20, Ishbel was already involving herself in philanthropic ‘good causes’ wishing to improve the lot of prostitutes and women who’d fallen on hard times. Since there were very many women in that category, Ishbel was dipping a toe in the water but her toe was desperately sincere! And from that determined teenager, Ishbel matured to a woman of immense influence and dedication.

Look out for Part Two coming very soon about Ishbel, Lady Aberdeen.
